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      1 min read

      Inside syslink: Heartbleed

      You probably have heard about the serious bug in various versions of the OpenSSL implementation.

      syslink was also affected by this bug. Our team has immediately updated the affected components and revoked the certificate of support.syslink.ch. You may have noticed a service interruption yesterday where – depending on your browser – access to the aforementioned site presented a security warning or was not available at all.

      This interruption was due to the fact that the certificate got revoked immediately but the certificate provider was not able to deliver a new one in time. The decision was taken to retrieve a new certificate from a different certification authority to get our services back running again.

      We like to apologize for any inconvenience.

      We discovered no unusual account activity. However, to be on the safe side, you are requested to change your password at support.syslink.ch and use a unique password. Simply click on the small triangle next to the Welcome message and choose Change Password from the menu.

      Our System Management Solution syslink Xandria is NOT affected by the bug. While the syslink Xandria Agent makes use of the OpenSSL components, it does not use the affected versions. The other syslink Xandria components use a different SSL implementation which is also not affected by this bug. The same holds true for the XanMobile App.

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