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    Technical consultation and sales

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      Reinventing SAP monitoring and management

      Fresh, in-depth SAP industry content. Stay up-to-date with evolving industry trends & best practices. Follow Avantra's blog to stay in the know.

      SAP cloud automation - behind the scenes

      Running SAP in the cloud is no longer the scary concept it once was and is actually pretty common...

      Syslink Xandria (now Avantra) named the best vendor for SAP landscapes in a next-generation APM market research

      The all encompassing SAP technical and business process solution enables it to provide performance...

      Ensure HANA migration success: What to do before, during and after

      HANA migrations are not simple.

      Whether you’re excited about it or not, migrating your SAP...

      SAP Business services management - focus on the right issues

      In a 1954 speech to the Second Assembly of the World Council of Churches, former U.S. President...

      Managecore selects Syslink to increase real-time SAP monitoring visibility

      Using Syslink Xandria, Managecore can prevent SAP performance issues before they spiral